Friday, January 9, 2009

Reader question: Why doesn't the Universe understand the concept of "no?"

Today's reader question is about the idea that whenever you focus your attention on "no war" or "no sickness" or "no debt," all the Universe understands, energetically, is the opposite of those concepts. This is to say, the Universe does not hear the word "no" and simply delivers more of whatever it is you are pushing against.

To understand this more deeply, we must understand that there are two sides to each issue. Health and illness, wealth and scarcity, happiness and sadness, etc. They are both ends of a spectrum dealing with the same topic. Each end has a different vibration. You can even feel this in your body (as suggested in the last post) when you say the word "war" for instance, focus on your midsection and you may notice a slight tensing or stress feeling. When you say "peace", it is a different feeling in the body, lighter and less tense.

So when we push against an issue we do not want, we are simply focusing our attention on that issue and becoming a vibrational match to it. It does not matter that we are against this thing, all the Universe knows is that you are focused upon this, and not the opposite end of the spectrum.

Hence, the best way to change something you do not like in your life is to focus upon that which you DO want. Fully ignore the aspects of it that are displeasing to you. All they do is lower your vibration (we are energetic beings, emitting vibrations 24/7), causing you to become a vibrational match to all kinds of lower, denser energies.

Ever experience or witness someone going on a downward spiral? When it seems like things couldn't possibly get worse, something else bad happens. One thing after another goes wrong, bringing this person into a state of despair and hopelessness. Do you know how this happens? It's simple. When the first bad thing happened, they placed their full attention on it, bringing their vibrational level down to that of this mishap. By worrying and obsessing over it, they remained in this vibrational place, making them a perfect match to other things of this nature. I've had it happen myself... car accidents, DUI, breakups, they all tend to snowball if you are unaware of how energy works. It is basic Law of Attraction. You get what you focus on.

How does one avoid or recover from such a downward spiral? Find things to focus upon that make you feel good. They don't even have to be related to the issue bringing you down. Anything that is high vibrational by nature, such as petting a cat, thinking of someone you love, doing a hobby that makes you happy, helping others, singing, listening to happy songs and beautiful music, all of these are great ways to "flip your switch." It will be different for each person, as we are all unique and different things make our heart sing.

Try this next time you find yourself worrying or thinking negative thoughts. Find your best way to flip your switch, to raise your vibration instantly. This will help you keep your vibrational set point high, and then upsetting things won't be able to happen because it just won't be a vibrational match.

This is not to say that things we label "bad" (what is bad, really?) won't happen at all. You must understand that the Universe, or God, if you will, ultimately knows what is best for us. We will never see or comprehend all that goes on in the orchestration of everything happening in our lives. However, the Universe does have everyone's best interest in mind, always. Some of the things we label "bad" end up helping us learn and grow. We can't see from our perspective, the ways that something which seems unpleasant now will empower us or lead to another happening that will be pleasant.

I tend to experience bad things in the best possible way. For example, I was rear-ended recently. The man who hit me said his brother owned a body shop and I should call him. Fortunately, there wasn't any real body damage, only the paint was scratched. I took the car to the shop and ended up getting the whole car buffed and polished for free (which it badly needed.) Things like this always happen to me, if bad things happen at all. You can make a conscious decision- set an intention- to also have bad things happen in the best possible way. It's interesting to see the outcomes, when you know in your heart you will always be loved and well taken care of.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Series: Reader questions about Law of Attraction

I have been receiving a lot of questions lately, about how the Law of Attraction works. I've decided to address these questions in the following blog posts.

Today's LOA question:

What do people mean, exactly, when they refer to "the Universe?"

This term, Universe, which I take for granted, seemingly causes confusion with those who may have been brought up under a certain religion or with certain ideas regarding Creation and how the Earth came about. It hadn't occurred to me that others may have a harder time grasping the concept of what is included in "the Universe" and the power that it holds. Although I'm sure the word is used in various ways, I will do my best to explain how I understand it.

Let's begin with the common definition: The universe is defined as everything that physically exists: the entirety of space and time, all forms of matter, energy and momentum, and the physical laws and constants that govern them. However, the term universe may be used in slightly different contextual senses, denoting such concepts as the cosmos, the world or Nature.

Ok so now we have the whole broad concept of a unit which contains space, matter and time as well as energy. So basically everything. All of it. The beingness and the nonbeingness. Light. Dark. Warm. Cold. All ends of every spectrum. Everything that has ever happened and will happen, since the future is already included in this as well. All probabilities. Chance. Serendipities. The master plan. Anything anyone ever believed in. Ever. And everyone's dreams and aspirations.

This is quite a monstrous concept to wrap one's head around. But if we can get to this point, then we can start to ponder the physical laws and constants that govern the Universe. These are the laws such as the observable laws of nature- the theory of relativity, gravity, and causality. The one we are only beginning to hear of in the mainstream now is the Law of Attraction.

What is the Law of Attraction?
Wikipedia says this about it:
A more modern consensus among New Thought thinkers is that the Law of Attraction says people's thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) dictate the reality of their lives, whether or not they're aware of it. Essentially "if you really want something and truly believe it's possible, you'll get it", but putting a lot of attention and thought onto something you don't want means you'll probably get that too.

I figure Universe refers to All That Is, Creation, Source, God's Kingdom, etc. It has many names. It is the driving force behind life. It includes everything. Everything is one with it.

So, does this mean for one to believe in the universe they would have to believe in God? But it sounds like the universe is a seperate being or alive energy than God. How can that be?

Since "God" has essentially a different meaning to each person, it is quite difficult to explain something in relation to God. The way I see it, the Universe IS God. They are one and the same. When I say the word Source, it can also be used interchangeably with Universe. It can sometimes be an animated idea of an entity that does things or doesn't do things, like God would. Humans are one and the same as Universe- we are a physical manifestation of Source energy. Just as some say we are made in the likeness of God. So since we are really all one with every person and thing in our midst, since we all originated from the same expanding creational force, we are therefore not separate from God or the Universe. Sometimes we understand such concepts better when we pretend God is something outside of ourselves.

When we come across hard times and send out prayers, wishes, intentions, it seems easier to direct them at something that is separate from us. If we could really conceive the interconnectedness of everything in our world and out of it, we would simply recognize ourselves as the powerful entity to whom we should pray. This is the job of a lifetime, to adopt what some call Christ Consciousness. Recognize your true nature as a loving, benevolent Universe expressing itself in physical form.

READER QUESTION: May i ask, why you feel that [the Universe] is innately loving?

Contrary to most major organized religions, I believe that there is no actual source of darkness. I think that the Universe is created solely of vibrations like light, and when things seem to go wrong in life, this is simply the evidence of the degree to which we are blocking out the light. I feel Abraham-Hicks have done a superb job of explaining this in a way that makes sense to me. So, at the very beginning of our lives, we come into this world feeling blessed and knowing our true worth. We are the closest we will be to the loving, kind, high frequency, white light that is our Source until we leave this earth upon our death. Near death experiences have often revealed similar descriptions of such a divine sensation in the light.

Since frequencies can be categorized, one might call these vibrations "good" or "bad," however "high" and "low" are really more suitable. One frequency is not better than another. But, when we are talking about sending out vibrations that match those of things we would like to attract into our lives, we would tend to divide the types of outcomes into good or bad categories. Desirable and undesirable. High frequency things we desire are just ways for us to align ourselves, our deepest beings, with Source energy. Those things that make your heart sing. Think of a time when you were feeling very passionate, grateful or "in the zone". This is you, being your true self.

Our human bodies have sensors to help us recognize when we stray from our natural, joyful state of being. These are called emotions. Some say emotions are "energy-in-motion." Cute word plays aside, the point is that when you suddenly feel that tightness in your stomach or chest when someone says something causing you a low vibrational response- this is your guidance system. With some practice, you can learn to trust this tool and make wise decisions with it and find the path of least resistance.

Try this exercise:
Sit quietly and think or say the word "hate" to yourself. Pay close attention to how your body feels. Each person has a different reaction, so get familiar with yours. Then think or say the word "love" to yourself. Do you feel a difference in your body? You can try with the words "true" and "false," or "good" and "bad" or make up your own. Try telling yourself a lie and seeing how your body reacts.

To wrap up, let's recap: The entirety of Creation, the Universe, originated from an energy source that only emitted high frequency vibrations and eventually expanded from thought to light to sound to matter (maybe not in that exact order.) This means everything and everyone is an extension of this positive, loving Source, or God. We are made in His likeness, leading me to believe that the part cannot be made of something different than the whole. Therefore, we and the rest of our Universe are innately good. Anne Frank believed this. I would have to agree.

I hope this entry has cleared up some of the cloudiness around this larger-than-life topic. Tune in soon for more questions and answers from the readers. Feel free to email me if you have anything you would like to me give my opinion on or discuss. =)

Be Well!
