Reader Question: "[Author] Gary Zukav says that we need to think of our experiences as not just something that happens to us but something we create. But can that be said of everything? This is what I don't understand. What happens when we are victims to rape, or slavery, or gossip. Did we set those things into motion some how?"
This is one of the most important things, in my view, for people to grasp in order for them to move towards being full-fledged deliberate creators. We are ALL responsible for EVERYTHING in our lives. All of the time. Things we label "good" as well as things we label "bad." Most often those things we find to be bad are simply the Universe's way of teaching us a lesson we needed to learn. If we can start to look at each experience in this neutral way and just accept what is, instead of condemning something as undesirable, we will begin to truly come into our own power.
So how would a good person be responsible for something horrendous happening in their life? This goes back to what I've explained in some of the older posts about how vibration is responsible for drawing all things into our lives. If a person fears being raped, for example, they are focused on the concept of rape and hold a lower, denser vibrational set point in regard to this topic. Since the Universe does not discriminate between what is wanted or not wanted, only the topic being thought about and vibrated by a person, it will always return in kind with more of the same. Hence, someone who didn't seem to "deserve" it, becomes the "victim" of rape.
I've seen this in action. One example is a family that is so fearful of intruders that they lock themselves away behind fences and gates. Even the children have picked up on this fear and get scared when someone rings the doorbell. The one time the gate is left open, guess who wanders in? A crazy homeless lady. How did she end up in their yard and not someone else's? She was a vibrational match to the exact thing they were fearing and trying to avoid. So you see, fear only functions to manifest the unwanted with a quickness. Same with worry.
When one begins to understand that each of us attracts everything in our experience vibrationally, it becomes more clear how unwanted situations can arise. We must accept full responsibility for everything that happens to us, since nothing but our own thoughts and feelings put us in a position to receive them. Even those poor souls who were the subject of torment during World War II, were, in a way, responsible for what happened to them. This is not to condemn them or say what happened was acceptable by any means. But there ARE people who made it out of the Nazi concentration camps alive. Think about what the difference is between those and the others who perished in the gas chambers. The movie "Life is Beautiful" depicts this wonderfully. It's all about your mental state.
Once you learn to control your thoughts at will, redirecting any fearful or negative thoughts into positive ones (mentioned earlier as "flipping your switch"), you begin to understand that we live in a benevolent Universe. You can remain ultimately safe in any circumstance as long as you have faith in this concept and learn to deliberately create your world with your thoughts and vibrations. People often witness what we call "miracles." I believe these miracles are simply Law of Attraction at work.
There is an idea Abraham-Hicks refers to as "vibrational escrow." Here is where space is being held for things a person attracted to themselves in the past. Whether you attracted them consciously or by default (not paying attention to your thoughts), these things will manifest. Sometimes people get frustrated when they've come to a place where they are aware of their thoughts and manifest many wanted things, and yet something unwanted still happens in their life. When this is the case, don't make yourself wrong! Just trust that there is a deeper necessity for this occurrence, in order for you to learn something. Look for the lesson and keep moving forward.
Playing the victim is just giving your power away to things or people outside of yourself. Step into your power by taking radical responsibility for everything you've created in your life! You will be rewarded in myriad ways, including feeling good! And feeling good is the basis of all good things. Follow your bliss and remember.... don't worry! Be happy!