Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Motivation and Meditation

Sometimes I notice that everything I do seems to happen in waves, or phases. Whether it's exercising, studying, eating well, or meditating, these things ebb and flow as time goes on. When I get into something, I do it with real determination. I don't mess around! And I can always feel the satisfaction after doing so. So why, then, must it inevitably wane and become something of a nagging nuisance when the energy falls and this task is then the last thing on my mind?

Maybe it's something to do with biorhythms. Or female cycles. Or being human. Who knows? Today I finally sat down and meditated. This is one of the hardest ones for me to get into the habit of doing. And it doesn't make any sense. I've had amazing things happen after less than a week of serious meditation practice. I could feel myself in the flow of life, manifesting my dreams, attracting all the right people, accomplishing everything I had wanted to do effortlessly! It was obvious to me that this is what they mean when people talk about why meditation is beneficial. I was sold!!!

So why didn't I keep on doing it? I really can't answer that question. It makes no logical sense. I suppose I could say that I am always doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing, that there are no mistakes, and that I will meditate daily when I am meant to do so. But that makes me feel like a cop-out. I can rationalize anything. Why make excuses? Why not just find a way to develop the discipline it takes to sit down and be quiet for 20 minutes each day, consciously?

I could set my phone to remind me. I have tried forming meditation groups with the intent of forcing myself to meditate using the power of peer pressure. Unfortunately, those people felt I lived too far away to continue coming to the group. Maybe since I've moved I could try that again. Meditating with others has always proven much easier. The surrounding vibration is much higher and it's easy to just get in the zone.

I'm ready to reap the benefits of regular meditation. All I need to do now is meditate. Sounds simple enough. Maybe a little EFT tapping could help...

Monday, September 15, 2008

Healing and Allowing

I've been working diligently on building my energy healing and nutritional counseling business. However, it wasn't until just this last weekend that I finally understood how healing really works. Until now, I've been focusing on the technical aspects of health and wellness, like learning which foods, herbs and supplements are good for helping which diseases and various other processes that can help one achieve overall wellness.

It finally occurred to me after dealing with my own nagging health problem and meeting a very intuitive healer via a series of divinely orchestrated events, that all of those aspects are helpful, but it really comes down to one basic thing. Allowing the Universe, All-That-Is, God, or Source Energy (fill in your preferred term here) to lead you to a solution. It's all about listening quietly to the little clues that are being constantly given to you. Once you find yourself in a receptive state, things just begin happening and people and events line up that combine to solve any problem, big or small. Luckily, I only had a minor problem to deal with in order to learn this lesson.

I did notice that people kept asking me whether or not I meditate. I would always give them the same answer about how I live my life in a meditative state which was designed let me off the hook for having to sit down and have a real structured practice. Well, after people were asking me this on what became a daily basis, I decided to take heed and sit my butt down to meditate.

This one meditation session later appeared to have set in motion a whole series of fortunate events. I didn't see it connect at first, but now it's clear to me that the meditation must have played a significant role in allowing the flow. A friend of mine, one of the ones who asked if I meditate, made mention of the idea of "releasing" that same night. When I went to sit down and meditate, I decided to put on a guided meditation tape I have, just to make the whole process a little easier to get back into. Guess what the meditation that randomly played was focused on? You got it- Releasing! It was one where you breathe in positive and send out the negative. This stuff really works!

I'm excited to see what else I can invite into my experience by continuing my meditation practice. In fact, I'm motivated to go and do it right now. =)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Trusting What Is

It seems that most of the situations we humans have trouble with are all of the ones in which we lack faith. We forget that the Universe knows exactly what it is doing, and is always arranging things for our ultimate best interest. Whether the issue is financial trouble, romantic trouble, family trouble or otherwise, it all comes down to the same lesson. We are so limited in our thinking, and from our perspective, it appears that everything is not ok.

When one takes a step back, however, catching a glimpse of life from the outsider's perspective, we realize that it doesn't matter which path we take. We will always end up where we are supposed to go. There are no wrong decisions.

Other people might try to convince you that what you are choosing is not right. Here is where we have to determine whether they are mirroring an aspect of ourselves which may not be fully confident in the decision being made. Many times, however, it is simply their ego trying to make sure you don't do something that they don't like.

In moments such as these, one must get quiet and look within. Ask the Universe, your guardian angels, spirit guides, your Higher Self, or God what the best option for you might be. Make sure you allow enough peace and silence in your day to be open to receive your answer. Then, as they say, "Let go and let God."

Trust that everything is always unfolding exactly as it ought to. If you have no doubt that you are safe, and things always work out for the highest good of all involved, there is no room for fear. The Universe can orchestrate things so much more magnificently than we ever could. It only makes sense to release the perceived control and allow the Universe to do its job. It may take time to develop this sense of trust, but once it is there, it never goes away. Life becomes so much more joyful when you realize that it's not your job to worry about how everything should happen.

When something unwanted happens, just take a nice deep breath and reassure yourself that you are loved and protected at all times. Lean back and witness with a sense of awe how it all unfolds, knowing that everything is always ok.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Peace Cats

I am just getting settled in to a new apartment with my two kitty cats, Deliah and Mia. We are cohabitating with one roommate and one other cat. The humans are getting along famously, however, the kitty cats are having a harder time. After two of the three cats have demonstrated their dismay with the new situation by pottying in the most inappropriate places they could find, and all three are continually hissing and spatting at each other, i decided to approach this problem from a new angle.

I sat down and did some rounds of EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, on the resident cat, Miss Kitty. (If you don't know, EFT involves tapping on energy meridians to clear energy blockages responsible for any and every problem you can think of. See www.emofree.com for more info.) She was hiding in a closet after being reprimanded for her naughty deeds of the night before. Being a once-feral cat, she has been hiding behind a bed the entire time I've been here (almost a week.) She was not interested in getting to know me or my feline friends.

So I did the tapping and then had a little conversation with her and asked if she would be my friend. I reached out a hand to let her sniff, and believe it or not, she came out of her shell and transformed into the most affectionate kitty ever. She had me rubbing her belly even!

When Mia cat came in to see what was going on, I sat between the two of them and tried to soften the exchange. Miss Kitty is still miffed about the other cats, and showed me that with her claws when I went to pet her in Mia's presence. I did a couple more rounds of EFT, and the two cats were able to sit as close together as I've seen them yet. It's not a love fest yet, but I think we're making good progress. I will continue with the EFT and see where that takes us.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Asking for Outside Guidance

For most of my life, I have gone about making my decisions and choosing my path without asking for any help. Recently, I have learned just how supportive the Universe can be in such times. There is no reason to sit and stress over what one should do, when it is so easy to get quiet, go within, and ask the Universe, Source, God, your Higher Self, angels or your spirit guide for assistance.

Answers come in many forms. Usually it's not an mysterious voice coming from the ethers telling you what to do. It can be a person that comes into your life or something you hear on the radio or read somewhere. It could be just a newfound sense of clarity. Something might happen "out of the blue" that helps lead you down the right path.

My spirit guide happens to be a toad named Roger. I know this sounds kind of odd, but I didn't choose him, he chose me. I have a tank that is home to a few firebelly toads. One day I found the remains (just a tiny little toad skeleton) of one that had hidden himself away and reached the end of his life. I was astonished, due to something that had happened just prior to this; I had done a free meditation I found online that was supposed to help you determine who one of your spirit guides are. (I didn't know I had any before, except for a set of hard core anonymous guardian angels who had bailed me out of nasty situations time and time again.) I was surprised when the image of a frog came into my mind. But what surprised me even more was when I asked for his name, he replied, "Roger." I thought, "How strange!" I was expecting something much more tribal sounding. But when I found the dead toad, everything suddenly made sense to me. I didn't know his name was Roger when he was living here as my pet, but I have developed a close relationship with him ever since I did that meditation.

So now, whenever I need help, whether it be finding a set of lost car keys, finding the answer to a test question or deciding to keep or change a job, I summon Roger the Toad to help me. And wouldn't you know it, as soon as I remember to do that, the situation rights itself. Every time. Sometimes I forget to ask, and spend forever trying to get a result. Finally it will dawn on me to ask for help and I get my answer within minutes.

So whether you know you have a specific guide assigned to help you out or if you just pray to your God, try asking for help! You'll be surprised at how well it works! And it's a good lesson in being humble, as well. It's true, I don't have all the answers. But now I know where to get them!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Join Me on the Positivity Pathway

Welcome to my new blog! Here I will be sharing with you different ways of aligning with your Higher Self to manifest whatever it is you desire.

I'll begin with a quick introduction. I am 28 (turning 29 on September 6!) and a Southern California native. I have been blessed to land on this part of the world, which has given me so many opportunities in life. Growing up in LA, I was 16 when I found the first book by Carlos Castaneda. It was on my mom's bookshelf- she happens to be a very well-read and spiritual lady. This started me down my new path of conscious development. I was thereby introduced to alternate realities and the power of thoughts. Totally fascinated by such ideas, I continued to read more and attend workshops by people like Barbara Marx Hubbard of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution and Alan Watts.

Back in 2003 I decided to finish my bachelor's degree by taking classes all day Saturday and Sunday for two years. I nearly had an emotional breakdown at the thought of losing my weekends for such a long time. It seemed like holding down my full-time job and going to school this way was going to be impossible. Then I got so stressed out, that when I was on my way to my 6pm class (mind you, I had gotten off work at 6pm and driven 30 minutes to get to school so I was rushing around like a mad woman), I manifested a minor car accident. I went to see a mentor of mine who taught me about Law of Attraction. She didn't call it that, but she did explain to me how focusing on something will attract more of it into one's reality. I took this and ran with it. It made total sense to me, since I had always believed I could control things with my mind since I was a small child. (I remember sitting at traffic lights trying to turn them green with my thoughts and not wanting to talk about earthquakes for fear I would cause one- which actually happened once!)

By the time I was out of college, I finally learned how to reprogram my mind in regard to limiting thoughts that were holding me back. One tricky one for me was around the area of wealth. My parents grew up during WWII and the Great Depression, and had adopted a serious lack mentality (God bless 'em.) This was inadvertently handed down to me, and I grew up thinking one had to work hard to get by, that we were "upper middle class" and that's where I would stay, and that money didn't grow on trees. One day I finally learned that all this was not necessarily so. I had what it takes to get myself off of the paycheck to paycheck grind with all the anxiety it entailed. I'm proud to announce I actually have some money saved, I don't bounce checks anymore and I rarely pay an overdraft fee these days.

During the years to follow, my relationships also improved. I used to attract very volatile and codependent love relationships. Each one I've had since high school has been markedly better. I'm still using contrast (identifying what I don't want) to refine my desire, and feel I'm closer than ever to the true love I always dreamed about having.

A few years ago I was introduced to Abraham-Hicks and the channeled messages about how to deliberately create your world. Mom and I attended one of their seminars a little while back and were both very impressed. I find that channeled information, whether in books or on CD's or otherwise always seems to focus on exactly what I needed to know. One of my favorite authors of channeled information is Sanaya Roman. I highly recommend her whole series of books.

These days, I find I'm manifesting things without giving them a second thought, so it feels like something has shifted. I'm opening myself up to all life has to offer, and love sharing my ideas about this with others. This blog is my way of reaching the people who are ready for this information and interested in what I have to say. Many have seen the movie The Secret and are beginning to understand that we have greater power than we ever thought possible. You can transform your life, and it's just a matter of letting go of negative thoughts and beliefs and replacing them with good ones. Using your emotions as an indicator of your vibrational level and point of attraction is a sure way to head down the Positivity Pathway. So let's go!